window.i18n = new function() {this['noMail'] = 'no Mail';this['yes'] = 'yes';this['no'] = 'no';this['Buchen'] = 'Book';this['EditOfVisitors'] = 'Edit visitors';this['AddingOfVisitors'] = 'Add visitors';this['ConfirmDeleteCategory'] = 'Do you really want to remove this visitor category?';this['ConfirmDeleteCodes'] = 'Do you really want to delete all WLAN codes?';this['linkPDF'] = 'Show PDF in a new window';this['PrintLabel'] = 'Print label';this['CustomerEntryDeleted'] = 'The entry has been deleted.';this['canNotDeleteLastCategory'] = 'Last category can not be deleted';this['January'] = 'January';this['February'] = 'February';this['March'] = 'March';this['April'] = 'April';this['May'] = 'May';this['June'] = 'June';this['July'] = 'July';this['August'] = 'August';this['September'] = 'September';this['October'] = 'October';this['November'] = 'November';this['December'] = 'December';this['DaySu'] = 'Su';this['DayMo'] = 'Mo';this['DayTu'] = 'Tu';this['DayWe'] = 'We';this['DayTh'] = 'Th';this['DayFr'] = 'Fr';this['DaySa'] = 'Sa';this['weekHeader'] = 'week';this['Kategorie Einstellungen'] = 'Category Settings';this['keepAgreements'] = 'Agreements keep valid';this['printMailInfo'] = 'The Label was sent to Printer {printname}.';this['printProblem'] = 'Printing Problems?';this['MailPrintcontactAdmin'] = 'When problems with your printer occur, please get in contact with an administrator.';this['MailPrintcontactUser'] = 'When problems with your printer occur, please get in contact with one of the following users:';this['no_match'] = 'No entry found.';this['too_many_matches'] = 'Too many entries found. Further informationen are necessary.';this['unknown_error'] = 'Unknown Error';this['not_available'] = 'Unfortunately, the checkin function is currently not available. Please contact the front desk or your contact person.';this['invalid_category'] = 'not authorized - please contact front desk';this['invalid_timeframe'] = 'not valid - please contact front desk';this['not_permitted'] = 'not authorized - please contact front desk';this['loading'] = 'Loading...';this['line'] = 'Line';this['visitorImport'] = 'Visitor Import';this['OK'] = 'OK';this['Cancel'] = 'Cancel';this['AddVisitorEntry'] = 'Add Visitor';this['UpdateVisitorEntry'] = 'Update Visitor';this['already_present'] = 'Already Present';this['Fragenkatalog speichern'] = 'Save questionnaire';this['EmptyQuestion'] = 'Please enter a question';this['AtleastOneAnswerCorrect'] = 'Please check the correct answer.';this['CheckCorrectAnswer'] = 'Please check the answers';this['PleaseTryAgain'] = 'Your answers are not correct. Please read the agreement carefully and try again';this['PleaseAnswerQuestion'] = 'Please answer the questions';this['DeclarationMaximumTriesExceeded'] = 'Maximum number of tries exceeded!';this['Confirm'] = 'Confirm';this['ClickToSign'] = 'Please click here to sign';this['Unterschrift'] = 'Signature';this['a3a7bf609bfadb084dfbcb5f248a8b20'] = 'No date found. Please check your entry for correctness and try again or call the gatehouse.';this['48cdb1f37f4d148b124c1264606e7512'] = 'You are beyond the time slot for this appointment. Call the gatehouse.';this['2f02cc4afebd3229fca88d546f8af470'] = 'There is no transport number connected to your appointment. Call the gatehouse.';this['Pflichtfelder'] = 'Required fields';this['InvalidFileExtension'] = 'Invalid file extension';this['Dokument wurde an Drucker gesendet'] = 'Document was sent to printer';this['tooManyWlanCodesMessage'] = 'tooManyWlanCodesMessage';this['DataCompleted'] = 'Your data has been updated';this['UserNotFound'] = 'This link has expired or is invalid';this['on_sanction_list'] = 'Unfortunately we were unable to check you in electronically. Please contact the security center with your identification document';this['IncorrectQuestions'] = 'Unfortunately, the questions have been answered incorrectly too often!';};